Monday, May 7, 2007

Well, here we are...

First post. I have procrastinated long enough. I have been intimidated by the wit and wisdom of other bloggers I adore. I have made excuses, dragged my feet, and denied myself the privilege of commenting on other blogspot blogs. So here we are.

Me: (in no particular order....) Born in 1973. Tech writer. Commuter. Mother. Wife. Knitter. Homeowner. TTer. Friend. Sisterdaughterauntniece and other familiar connections. Occasional classical radio host. Sometimes instigator of getting some things done. Believer in the inherent good of people, which has sometimes gotten me in trouble. Unitarian Universalist. Sometimes musician. Dweller of a little town in the Santa Cruz mountains. Reader. Cat owner. Wine-lover. Too heavy and dieter. Uphill battler. Always on the lookout for inspiration.

You: Well, you tell me. Why are you here?


Beth said...

Oh, yay! Glad you're here!

Maboo said...

Whee! I'm here because you are wonderful!

Betsy O'Donovan said...

Oh, Meera, I'm so pleased you're doing this and I look forward to seeing what forms your musings take in this format.

Meera Hyphenated said...

Wow, thanks, everyone! Who knows what this will bring. I'll think about this place, one day at a time.

Puzzled said...

Hi, honey!

RevJen said...

I'm here because you're here!

FullQuieting said...

So cool! Good stuff!

Meg said...

Just part of the fan club!

Query said...

You're here because I birthed you. I'm here because I birthed you. Job well done!

gaelstat said...

¡Hola, meera!

Con abrazos y smooches.